LONDON: During Ramadan, the energy levels of Muslims fasting drop because of the change in their eating, drinking and sleeping schedules.
Here, online coach and personal trainer Daniel Wells shares tips to follow when fasting to help maintain your energy.
1. Get organized — planning is everything
The key to success during Ramadan is meticulous planning and structure. Plan out your month and consider the meals you’ll have at iftar and sahoor, as well as the time it will take to prepare them.
This is crucial so that you know when to get up and do not waste valuable time sleeping. Knowing when, where and how you’re going to manage your fitness, wellness, nutrition and health in general should be at the forefront of your mind.
2. Gentle to moderate activity daily

You may notice a dip in energy levels during Ramadan as your body adjusts to fasting and potential changes to your schedule. Include low-intensity exercise into your day-to-day regime to help with this. Stretching for 10 to 15 minutes, going for a light walk or doing some easy breathing exercises will all help you feel rejuvenated and refreshed.
3. Divert your focus away from hunger
Your mind is an amazing tool; it can concentrate on one thing and completely ignore everything else. You choose which feelings you want to accentuate and which you can simply decide to ignore. So, put your hunger cravings to the side and try to focus on something you enjoy, like reading or listening to music.
4. Eat slowly to aid digestion
When you do eat, take your time and masticate every bite of food. Concentrate on each mouthful and chew for at least 30 to 40 seconds before swallowing. The more your food is broken down, the easier it is for your body to digest and the more nutrients you can absorb. Slowing down eating will also make you feel fuller for longer. It can also make you feel fuller more quickly and is a good way to try and reduce some calories if desired.

5. Take a power nap
If it’s possible, a power nap can really help you feel like a new person with as little as 30 minutes of sleep. Power naps increase energy and can help you get through the afternoon dip. Power naps have also been connected to a boost in happiness, patience and mood.
6. Take cold showers
During Ramadan, you’ll want to increase energy in any way you can. Try taking a cold shower or bath to wake yourself up if you begin to feel drowsy. Cold showers and baths wake up your entire body by increasing circulation and oxygen intake. They can also speed up your metabolism and heart rate, signaling that the rest of your body is getting ready to wake up, thus giving you more energy. While cold showers or baths may feel uncomfortable at first, they actually lower stress levels and make you feel calm afterward.