
    Health - Page 3

    Dr Ahmad Jbara: One of the Most Preferred Celebrity Doctor

      Celebrities are always keen to appear in the most promising and impressive looks due to the nature of their work that compels them to...

    Omicron vs Zero-Covid: How long can China hold on?

    IMAGE SOURCE,GETTY IMAGES Image caption, China has enforced a strict Covid-zero policy for the past two years China and Hong Kong are seeing their largest spike in...

    Untapped Groundwater Offers ‘Vast Potential’, U.N. Says

    Untapped groundwater resources have "vast potential," the U.N.'s cultural agency said Monday, potentially alleviating demand for ever-scarcer water supplies across the world. In a report,...

    Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Fell Quickly for kids During Omicron Surge

                                      See the rigorous arrival process for the 2022 Winter Olympics   Frustrated moms meet up in a parking lot to scream   Debunked: Pro athletes are NOT dropping...

    Dr Ahmad Jbara Talks About Root Canal Treatment

    Many teeth are damaged after the erosion of their layers gradually as a result of severe caries, in cases where caries penetrates the outer...

    How to Cultivate Wellbeing through Gardening

    Gardening is proven to help mental health and is prescribed by the NHS. The author of a new book about its appeal to the...

    The Pandemic’s Toll on Children’s Mental Health

    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact around the world, causing millions of deaths and leading to many more people becoming severely ill...

    Dr Ahmad Jbara: Understand the Differences between Crowns, Bridges and Veneers

    Cosmetic dentistry is witnessing a remarkable development during the last decades, as it contains recent and advanced methods and techniques to address various dental...

    Queen Elizabeth II Tests Positive for COVID-19 Ten Days After Prince Charles

    Queen Elizabeth II has tested positive for COVID-19 a little over a week after her son Prince Charles—but will carry on working with the virus. The...

    Bill Gates says Covid Risks have ‘Dramatically Reduced’ but another Pandemic is Coming

    Bill Gates has voiced his opinions on COVID-19 and future pandemics in a new interview. Speaking to CNBC at Germany's annual Munich Security Conference on Friday,...

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